On Saturday we spent some time at the Como Conservatory. I am going to be taking some photos for a couple there soon so I wanted to scope out some good places and do a little practicing. My models were Dayne and Lylah. Dayne has developed a love for the camera and is willing to help me. Lylah on the other had isn't into it. She just wouldn't look at me! Of course there were TONS of people there because they had an Orchid Show for the St. Paul Winter Carnival so it made things a little more difficult. Since it is an indoor garden it was SOOO hot in there. I was actually sweating! A nice change from how it has been lately... made me dream of summer! I wanted to share a few photos from today.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Como Conservatory
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Week Two
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Monday, January 19, 2009
Sledding.. or is it sliding?
One thing that I have noticed about living here in Minnesota is that there is a question about what this outdoor activity is called. Growing up I called it sledding but when I came here for college I discovered that many people call it sliding. I am not sure why - you go on a sled down a hill - so sledding makes sense to me. But I guess you are sliding down the hill so perhaps that is why some call it sliding. Whatever it is called, it is an activity that many children love. I think that kids don't feel the cold. I am not a big fan this activity so I leave it up to Rich. We headed out to the hill that isn't too far from our house (we can walk there). It was so fun to watch them go down the hill. At one point Lylah even tried to get up the hill herself! Lylah liked to watch the big kids that were there too - they were making jumps that didn't work out as well as they hoped. It was a neat experience for both the kids since it was their first time really sledding. I am sure it won't be the last since they were so excited! My favorite part was seeing Dayne and Lylah go on their own... no fear for them!
Posted by Melyssa 1 comments
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Week one done!
I know you have seen a few of these photos already but I figured out how to set up a digital scrapbook page for the project. Using a free download from Becky Higgins and seeing an example layout I went ahead and made a 2 page 12x12 digital spread. It is kinda fun to look back at the week and see what we have done. I can only hope that I can keep it up- plus I hope that I can get creative too!
I am looking forward to the next few days. There is no school on Monday and Rich has off so we hope to do a few fun things. With the weather "warming" up the next few days we might get to play outside a little too!
Until next time!
Posted by Melyssa 2 comments
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Picture a day

Tuesday, Jan 13th. This little device has become my "best friend" for my workout. Nothing compares to working with a friend but it does help fill the times when I work out and the TV's are on sports. I just love the iPod Touch because I can listen to my music, podcasts, and even keep up on Facebook or e-mail (thanks to the WiFi at the Clubhouse). I was even able to download an application that works with the Livestrong.com website that tracks calories and fitness. It is nice to have a way to track the work I have been doing. Now I know that it isn't the best thing to play with my iPod applications while working out, but heck- a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!
Stay tuned for my picture a day updates! Let's see if I can keep it up!!
Until next time!
Posted by Melyssa 1 comments
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Snow What Fun!
This weekend we had some okay weather to go out and play in the snow. Since the snow had fallen over night Rich had to clean off the driveway and Dayne wanted to help. It is great because he really does help., no really he does- I'm not kidding! He took a few breaks to take Lylah around the yard. He wasn't fast enough for Lylah so when Rich was done with the driveway he took Lylah for a FAST spin around the yard. She was giggling the whole ride! It was fun to watch them play in the snow. The fun didn't last long for Lylah because as soon as snow got in her gloves she was done!! It is only the beginning of January we know we have many more weeks/months of snow ahead! Great huh! For Dayne maybe- he loves the snow!!!

Posted by Melyssa 2 comments
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
2 year Photos

Now my 2 years of monthly photos are done. Now I get to do them when I feel like it or at least every 6 months! But with such cute subjects it is hard to not take their photos! Dayne is at the age he is letting me practice on him... it is Lylah that is not as willing... but she will get there!
Thanks for looking! I updated a lot tonight so there is lots to look at and read! Enjoy!
Until later!
Posted by Melyssa 3 comments
Cutie Pie
My very good friend Kris from Illinois has the cutiest baby! Kris is a long time friend, we actually are more like cousins. I call her mom my Aunt so usually when I talk about her she is a cousin. She is extra special to me because it was at her wedding that I met Rich. I was her personal attendant and he was a groomsman. We some how ended up sitting next to each other at the Cubs games we went to the day before the wedding-- I ate the pickles off his hamburger, and a year to the day exactly Rich and I got married. Kris and her husband stood up for us at our wedding too. 5 months ago she was blessed with her sweet little one!
Me and the cutie pie!!!
Lylah showing her a book!
Posted by Melyssa 0 comments
Carlson Christmas
After Christmas we took the 6 1/2 hour drive to Chicago to visit Rich's family. We had such a nice time! It was fun to see the cousins playing together. You can tell that Dayne just loves them and after Lylah got warmed up she was all over the house playing with their toys. It is a change to have all girl toys around!
After dinner (that was yummy Jenny!) we opened presents. I have no idea what was even happening because the kids were just digging right in! It was great to see them so excited but hard to keep track of what they got from who! Dayne was thrilled (and is now addicted to) get the Leapster 2. He is getting good at it. It has given him a love for Wall-e (a movie that we had to buy and he watches daily) Lylah got a super cute changing table for her bitty baby and a diaper bag for bitty too. She also got the Fisher Price farm that is a favorite too.
Posted by Melyssa 0 comments