Tonight was Dayne's third dentist appointment as we groom him to get into the habit of going every six months just like his mom and dad. His first appointment a year ago went extremely well for a first-timer. He cooperated with everything they wanted to do and the hygenist was so great explaining how everything worked and letting him try some of the instruments.
His visit back in the spring was not so good. They basically got as far as counting his teeth and that was it. He didn't want the polish, he briefly allowed a flossing of a couple teeth and that was about it. Needless to say, we questioned how tonight would go.
This trip was just a boys night out. Daddy took him and his attitude was super even before we left the house. As soon as dinner was done he kept harassing us about it being time to go and that was still 4
0 minutes before departure time. It's important to preface this with the fact that he was really more excited about the games they have there than the dentist itself - after all, he's not that crazy! They have those old-school, table-top water games. Not sure if any of you had them when you were a kid but I had some. You fill them with water and push the buttons to get air to propel objects through hoops or into buckets. No batteries, no electricity needed and almost no sound - just that of air rushing through water and of plastic game pieces bouncing off each other, off obstacles or targets or off the walls of their aquatic prison.
Anyway, the receptionist spent a couple minutes making small talk with him while I filled out the standard form about name, address, insurance, allergies, etc. He was asked if he went to preschool, daycare or stayed home with mommy or daddy. His answer: "I go to daycare. It's like pre-school but not really." He was asked if he gets to do projects. "No. I just get to do a lot of crafts," he responded not
realizing they are nearly one in the same. And, when questioned abou his and whether he was 8 or 9 now, he said, "No, I'm only four." When the paperwork was done he was asked if he wanted to wait in the lobby or go to the children's area where the games were. We've pretty much alluded to what his answer was earlier in this post.
When it was time to get the work done, he went willingly to the chair. You know the one. Perhaps you, too, learn to dread it as you get older but, deep down, secretly wish you had installed in your theater room so you can project the big game or your favorite movie onto the ceiling. He opened wide so his teeth could be counted. He picked out the flavors he wanted for polish (cherry), floss (berry) and flouride (strawberry) and for 20 minutes did everything they asked. He never complained and didn't cry. The only thing he had reservastions about was "Mr. Thirsty." It's the suction gadget that vacuums your mouth of fluids. He got to hold it and turn it on and off but didn't quite master the art of implementing it instead of swallowing. After the hygenist was done he allowed the dentist to check out his teeth and make sure they were all there and healthy.
His sister wasn't far from his thoughts while he was there. When it was over they offered him the box of toothbrushes to pick one. Not only did he reach in and grab one for himselg but he immediately reached in a second time saying, "and one for my sister." He was then rewarded for good behavior by getting to pick a balloon. Once again, he helped himself to one and before it could be pulled away, reached in for seconds for his sister. He picked a plain yellow one for himself. As for Lylah, she got "one with flowers because she's a girl," he reasoned.
So one clean mouth, two new toothbrushes - his a plain purple one and hers a yellow one shaped like an alligator - and two helium balloons (tied with floss, of course) later we were out the door. See you in six months we said as we headed for the car.
While we were in the car headed home and as I was telling him how proud I was of him for doing a great job, he admitted he was tired. Of what? "From going to the dentist."
Aren't we all?!? But, next April we'll be back, if nothing more than to spend five minutes playing those cool water games.